All 32 NFL Football Teams Have a Chiropractor…
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

All 32 NFL Football Teams Have a Chiropractor…

But let’s be honest, THEY BETTER! Football is a physically demanding sport characterized by high-impact collisions, rapid direction changes, and strenuous physical exertion. The physical stress and trauma that football players endure can lead to various neurological and musculoskeletal injuries, including brachial plexus injuries, burner stinger injuries, concussions, strains, sprains, fractures, and more. During a game, the body encounters significant forces that can misalign the vertebrae, create nerve interference, and adversely affect the overall function of the body.

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Have You Ever Felt Judged for Going to a Chiropractor?
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

Have You Ever Felt Judged for Going to a Chiropractor?

When you invest a ton of time, sweat, and money into building your backyard vegetable garden, do you plant everything and just walk away for the rest of the summer season, never fertilizing, never watering, never weeding, etc. etc. and expecting an abundant harvest? 

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Beyond the Basket:Easter
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

Beyond the Basket:Easter

At Cypress Chiropractic, we extend our warmest wishes for a meaningful Easter celebration. This holiday reminds us of renewal and hope. As you spend time with loved ones, take a moment to reflect on the importance of your well-being. May this Easter season bring you renewed energy and a commitment to taking care of your body. We are here to support your spinal health journey, so you can celebrate feeling your best.

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Unveiling the Deeper Meaning of St. Patrick's Day
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

Unveiling the Deeper Meaning of St. Patrick's Day

Beyond the festive parades and parties, St. Patrick's Day holds a deeper meaning for many. It commemorates Ireland's patron saint and his role in bringing Christianity to the island. While the holiday is now associated with celebrations of Irish culture, its spiritual roots remain significant, offering solace and connection for those who find inspiration in St. Patrick's legacy.

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Behind the Scenes: How the Nervous System Makes Everything You Do Possible
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

Behind the Scenes: How the Nervous System Makes Everything You Do Possible

Imagine your body as an orchestra, with each organ an instrument playing its part. The nervous system acts as the conductor, coordinating everything and ensuring harmony. Every single function in your body, from basic survival to complex thought, relies on the intricate network of nerves and the brain for communication and control.

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More Than Just a “Pop”
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

More Than Just a “Pop”

Forget "bones cracking," that satisfying "pop" during your adjustment is tiny bubbles having a dance party in your joint fluid! This is called a cavitation. The adjustment allows dissolved gasses such as nitrogen and oxygen to escape the joint, creating the sound of a pop, just like bubble wrap. It is important to remember that joint cavitation sounds are normal during an adjustment and even when there is no sound, there is movement. A cavitation is not necessary for a successful chiropractic adjustment, however, the adjustment helps improve nerve flow, increase blood flow, and enhances your range of motion.

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The BEST Time to Start Chiropractic Care is at Birth. The Second Best time is NOW!
Dr. Sarah K. Wharton Dr. Sarah K. Wharton

The BEST Time to Start Chiropractic Care is at Birth. The Second Best time is NOW!

According to a recent study by Viola Frymann, an American osteopathic doctor, she studied over 1500 babies periodically over an 8 year period. She examined all babies within the first 5 days with most being checked within the first 24 hours. She found that 90% of babies had cervical and/or cranial strain at birth. Yikes!

Birth is tough work for mothers and babies. There are a lot of forces being exerted onto baby even in the most natural of births. Natural forces are one thing, but today, medical intervention is an added stressor to the birthing process whether it be induction with chemicals, medications during pregnancy and just after birth, tools for extraction, fear based care, disempowerment to mother, etc. etc. These cause trauma to baby and mother physically, emotionally, and chemically adding even more stress to the spine and nervous system. The good news is that chiropractic care can help heal those traumas immediately. By receiving chiropractic care from birth, these issues can be addressed early, promoting proper spinal alignment and nervous system function as the child grows.

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