What to expect on your first appointment?

Your first appointment at Cypress Chiropractic & Wellness begins with a smile and a warm welcome!

Dr. Sarah will talk with you about your particular health challenges, your health goals, and health history. It’s important that you are heard. After that, postural photos will be taken to document where your posture is currently. Your posture says a lot about the health of your spine and overall health in general.

Once these steps are completed, your spinal exam will commence. This usually includes, static palpation, motion palpation, range-of-motion assessments, neurological leg-length measurements, and gait analysis. Dr. Sarah will analyze, locate, and then adjust accordingly.

Adjustments look different for each person and Dr. Sarah pulls from many different techniques in order to adapt to your body’s needs and preferences. She uses Gonstead, Webster, Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Thompson, Logan Basic, and Network Spinal Techniques. Once you are adjusted, the stress from your nervous system is removed so that the healing process can begin.

At the end of the first appointment, a followup session will be scheduled to go over your Report of Findings and a plan of action that will best support you in reaching your health goals.

The first appointment usually takes about 45 minutes, so please schedule to arrive on time and with your intake forms completed. Your intake forms are emailed to you after booking your initial appointment online.

Your first appointment is your first step in healing and achieving your optimal health. We are honored to serve you!

Beach on a Beautiful Day


Chiropractic unleashes your innate potential and wisdom. You are the healer, chiropractic removes the barriers.

  • The best time to get adjusted is at birth, the second best time is now. Chiropractic is beneficial for everyone with a spine and nervous system because it removes the blockages, irritations, and barriers in your nervous system, restoring the body’s innate ability to function, heal, and feel better.

  • The sooner one is adjusted the better. Learn more about pediatric chiropractic by clicking here.

  • Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces nervous system stress, balances pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments, and optimizes the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth.

    Dr. Sarah is Webster Certified. Learn more about Webster by clicking here.

  • Chiropractic adjustments realign the joints of the body in order to free the nervous system of irritation so that the brain-to-body connection is free of unnecessary internal “hurdles.” By getting adjusted, athletes can function and recover optimally.

    Learn more about sports chiropractic by clicking here.

  • The ultimate goal of chiropractic care is to optimize your health, however, optimization of health takes, consistency, time, and acceptance. The plan-of-action for chiropractic healing goes step-by-step and in this order:

    1.) Recover

    2.) Heal


    Depending on the person, this can take days, weeks, months or years.

Side posture adjustment on boy