Pre-natal Chiropractic Care

Webster Technique is the preferred technique for pre-natal patients. It is a chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces nervous system stress, balances pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments, and optimizes the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth. Webster adjustments are specific and gentle. A special chiropractic drop table and pregnancy pillow is utilized for comfort of the expecting mom during her adjustment.

Webster Technique helps to normalize maternal physiology, which helps allow for a better pregnancy and birth. Also, Webster may optimize baby’s ability to get into the best possible position for birth.

Side Affects of of Webster Technique

  • Less Low back Pain

  • Better Movement

  • More Comfort

  • Better Birth Outcomes

Dr. Sarah at Cypress Chiropractic & Wellness is Webster Certified. This means that she takes her skills seriously in providing the best care for expecting moms. If you or someone you know is expecting, then do not just send them to anyone, send them to someone who is more qualified then the rest. All pregnant women deserve a supportive and knowledgeable member on their health team. Bringing life into this world deserves encouragement, empowerment, and care.