“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

-Thomas A. Edison

Cypress Chiropractic Creates Health.

Chiropractic is a holistic health modality that focuses on the spine and nervous system, and how they effect all other systems and cells in the body. Chiropractic analysis looks for areas of the spine and body that are causing interference and irritation in the nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments remove interference in the nervous system and restore motion to the restricted joints, so that the brain-to-body connection is revitalized.

What are subluxations? 

Subluxations are misalignments in the joints of the spine, that cause irritation to the nervous system. The nervous system controls every other system and cell in the body. It is the most important system in the body and it consists of;

  1. the Brain

  2. the Spinal Cord

  3. Peripheral Nerves

If the brain-to-body and body-to brain pathway isn’t clear due to a subluxation, then that nerve pathway will not communicate to the tissues, organs, and cells for it to function. The life-force energy isn’t flowing freely and this causes dysfunction, deterioration, and degeneration to the joints involved.

Often times subluxations are silent, however when they are present, the body is constantly bombarded with stress and irritation to the brain, the nervous system and spine. It isn’t until the body has met it’s threshold that pain, discomfort, “dis-ease,” and disease occur.

The whole premise of chiropractic care is to remove subluxations through adjustments so that your whole body can function, heal, and feel optimal and for you to express life to your fullest.

What is the Cypress process of Chiropractic?

At Cypress Chiropractic & Wellness, Dr. Sarah will use several of her developed skills in order to locate subluxations. At each appointment she will check your spine and neurology through visual and physical analysis that includes a postural screening, static and motion palpation of the muscles, tissues, and joints, and neurological leg-length measurements.

Once a subluxation is located, then Dr. Sarah will administer a specific chiropractic adjustment manually. Adjustments can be performed in different manners and they are tailored to best suit your body at that time. The style of each adjustment will depend on your health history and preferences.

Sometimes adjustments are accompanied by a cavitation sound (the “crackle” sound produced when air bubbles escape the surrounding tissues of a joint), however it is not necessary to hear a cavitation sound in order for it to be effective. There are many types of adjustments that make a massively positive neurological change, that do not include a cavitation at all.

Once the subluxation is adjusted, then the nerve pressure is removed and the flow of life-force energy is reopened. The body can then begin to recover and heal, rather than continue to degenerate and die. Chiropractic adjustments enhance the function of the brain and the body as a whole, making chiropractic care the ultimate wellness modality.

Dr. Sarah will provide the best possible adjustments and care instructions for you based on your health needs and health goals.

To find out more about your spinal and neurological health, book your first appointment now and be open to the possibilities that you body holds within!


Dr. Sarah looks to the body as a whole.

Do you struggle with dysfunction elsewhere from the spine? Holistic healthcare looks to the body as a whole meaning that everything is connected. Dr. Sarah-Kalani can evaluate and increase function to every joint in the body…head, shoulders, knees, toes and more! Getting chiropractic care for your back and neck pain is minuscule in comparison to the benefits it has on the brain, the master controller of every cell and system in the body.

“Health is being sound in the body, mind, and spirit.”

— Webster’s Dictionary