Charleston Cypress Chiropractic

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Salutogenesis - What is a Salutogenic Doctor?

A Salutogenic Doctor is a doctor that practices from the perspective of salutogenesis. The word salutogenesis literally means, “that which gives birth to health.” So, basically Salutogenic Doctors want to use their skills and knowledge of the human body to guide their patients in giving birth to or creating health in their lives. In traditional public and western medicine, there is a pathogenic perspective, in which the focus is on disease or illness and its treatment. Pathogenesis, on the other hand means, “the birth of suffering.”

Dr. Kalani Wharton with Cypress Chiropractic & Wellness is a Salutogenic Doctor. Her approach to health is one of creation. This means that anyone that is ready to create health in their lives, can successfully receive chiropractic care, and do that for themselves with her guidance and adjustments. Even if someone is already in the pathogenic process and has a diagnosis or is looking for a diagnosis, then that is simply the starting point of the creation/birthing process. It’s more about where you want to go in your health journey as opposed to where you don’t want to go.

Let’s look at some differences between Salutogenic vs. Pathogenic perspectives:

So ask yourself, what is it that you want? Do you want trust, whole body care, enhanced function, and encouragement? Your body has an innate wisdom that is present, but often disconnected due to life’s challenges, and Cypress Chiropractic wants to bring that connection back.

Salutogenesis is why chiropractic is important for babies and kids. It’s about creating health and maintaining it throughout their life. Healthy children grow healthy adults.

Thanks for reading the Cypress Chiropractic & Wellness Health Blog. Until next time, stay healthy!