Hippocrates Knew, Now So Do You!
While D.D. Palmer gave the first spinal adjustment in 1895, the importance of spinal health to whole body health was nothing new, even back then. Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as the “Father of Medicine,” who lived from 460 B.C. to 357 B.C. said, “Get knowledge of the spine for this is the requisite for many diseases.”
Hippocrates was a maverick in medicine. He is considered to be the first know physician, that believed that diseases were caused by a type of natural action instead of by spirits or gods. He was the medical practitioner who created the oath of conduct known as the Hippocratic Oath, for physicians which has remained for the 2,500 years.
In many of his writings and advice to patients, ancient Greek doctor recommended diet and exercise as a cure for ailments and medicine was for those that couldn’t. The Hippocratic school held that illness was a result of imbalance in the body in the 4 humours, fluids in health that were naturally equal in proportion, and if not, illness would occur. These 4 humours included, blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm.
Hippocratic medicine was humble and passive. The approach was that there was a “healing power of nature.” According to the doctrine, the body contains within itself the power to rebalance the 4 humours and heal itself, similar to chiropractic philosophy which focuses on the bodies natural ability to heal and rebalance, when the nervous system is free of interference.
To find out more about how chiropractic will improve your body’s natural ability to heal, visit our website and make your first appointment today! Cypress Chiropractic will look to the spine for the cause of your health issues. If you don’t have any health concerns, then be proactive and keep it that way.
You hold the power to heal. Chiropractic removes the barriers!