Do you need help combatting inflammation?
Imagine your body is a city. There are buildings, houses, stores, schools, and businesses. These places are organized and placed in an manner that you can get to via roads, sidewalks, trails, and transportation. The city fulfills the wants and needs of your ideal lifestyle.
Chronic inflammation is like fire to that city. Often times these fires start small but then grow and spread. Fires causes damage and destruction. Now, the simplest of tasks become difficult and your life becomes a struggle.
How would it change your life to put out that fire now?
Through chiropractic and doTERRA turmeric capsules, your fire will be put out and your city will rebuild.
Turmeric's main warrior, curcumin, stops bad guys called "inflammatory molecules" from causing trouble, calms down the alarm system that calls in more trouble, and even helps your own firefighters work better. This helps reduce inflammation and pain, making you feel better,
Vertebral subluxations stress the nervous system and send signals of alarm to the brain. The brain reacts by releasing cortisol and inflammation into the blood stream. Yikes! By eliminating vertebral subluxations through chiropractic adjustments, not only with your inflammation diminish, but it will stop from forming in the first place.
Inflammation does not have to be your demise. You have options and answers and Cypress Chiropractic are you anti-inflammation allies.
Thanks for reading. Book online to start your fight against inflammation.